What You Need to Know
What is an virtual assistant? Which virtual assistants are available? What is Google Home? What is Alexa? Many new buzzwords for this new world of computing around converstations. How do you shift to conversational computing? ConverSaaS will help you to understand the options, pitfalls and must-do's.
Get your conversation started
ConverSaaS can help you to start your conversation in the world of digital assistants. We will make sure your company is available within the digital assistants of your choice, and that the conversation with your customers can start.
Continual improvements
On a periodic basic (e.g. weekly) we report you on the conversations that have happened. We analyze the data, report statistics and suggest any improvements or extension you may want to consider to improve the online conversation. Based on this periodic report we decide on possible next steps and you get insights on the success of the online conversation.